Jr. Friends of the Library
7:05 AM
Are you looking for a great way to be active in your library and community? How about pumping up your resume/college applications? Or even connecting with other young adults who share your love of reading? Do you have ideas on how to make the library more teen-friendly? Or programming ideas?
Then Jr Friends of the Library is perfect for you-- the newest level of Friends of the Library geared just for Jr. and High School students!
What to expect:
- monthly meetings (Third Thursday @ 4:00 pm)
- volunteer hours (4/month --- hey there is at least 672 hours in a month; only asking for a few!)
- skill building (leadership, team-work, job skills, etc)
- to be the voice of Matagorda County teens
- access to advanced copies of books
- membes-only parties (pizza anyone?!)
- $5 dues (in January)
Please fill out the application and return to the Coordinator.